Content of the Herbarium by taxonomic unit Famille : Others-P-Z

Others-P-Z : Phytolaccaceae  3 

ID Taxon Coordinates Site Date Picture
079_28 Others-P-Z
Phytolaccaceae americana L.
X :8.561469
Y :36.880097
Z :15 m
Oum Tebboul
El Tarf
079_29 Others-P-Z
Phytolaccaceae americana L.
X :8.340664
Y :36.917242
Z :3 m
Vieille Calle
El Tarf
ph010_47 Others-P-Z
Phytolaccaceae americana L.
X :8.502578
Y :35.901992
Z :70 m
Dunes Messida Tonga
El Tarf